Family Trajectory
Admission During Pregnancy
- Health network (CIUSSS,
GMF, birthing centers
and hospitals) - Community organizations
- Various institutions (DPJ, Info-santé, schools, other)
Word-of-mouth (referrals between families) - Spontaneous registrations
(unknown referrals)
Psychosocial Evaluation
- Eligibility criteria and
vulnerability factors - Beginning of services
Prenatal Care
- Medical care by Doctor and Midwife
- Prenatal classes
- Psychosocial follow-up with the Social Worker
- Validate that the family is fully equipped to welcome their baby
- Group activities
- At the hospital with Family Doctor from La Maison Blue (or replacement) or at a birth center with the Midwife
- Doula care if desired
Postnatal Care
- Home visits
- Intensive follow-up during the first few weeks for mother and baby, followed by Doctor, Midwife and Nurse
- Breast-feeding support
Follow-up with child from 0-5 years
- Health and development
- Vaccination
- Psychosocial follow-up
- Stimulation group meetings
- Developmental milestone evaluation
- Medical care
- Ready for school evaluation
Transfer Towards External Resources
Towards appropriate resources:
- Schools
- Local CLSC
2nd line services - Community organizations
- Etc.
Integrated Care And Services

Physical and Mental Health Follow-up
Ad hoc consultations without appointments and referrals, as needed.
Vaccination promotes continuity of services by giving the opportunity to keep a link with the most isolated families.
Individual our group prenatal follow-up
Prenatal tests provide information on the progress of the pregnancy and help women claim ownership over their pregnancy.
Postnatal Care
Women and their babies are visited at home in the first days after birth, as long as necessary. Meetings will then continue at La Maison Bleue.
Psychosocial Evaluation

Psychosocial evaluation and follow-up
Following an initial screening of references, an encounter with the pregnant woman is made to assess her needs and those of her family. After discussion, the parties involved develop an interdisciplinary intervention plan.
Psychosocial And Psychotherapeutique Services
La Maison Bleue offers personalized assessment, counselling, referral and follow-up for different problems experienced by members of the family.
educative Services

Early stimulation 0-5 years old
These individual or group meetings are designed to stimulate the development of children according to their specific needs.
Evaluation of child development
At 8 months, all children are met to establish contact with their parents, assess the development of the child and plan an appropriate follow-up. Other assessments occur at 2 and 4 years old.
Psychoeducational Follow-Up
This monitoring is to support and strengthen existing parenting skills, to promote the establishment of a secure attachment relationship and raise parents’ awareness of the significance of various signals and emotional manifestations of their child.
Parents - Children Activities
In a play context, parents are made aware of their ability to develop a relationship of trust and attachment with their child.

Individual Support
Individual meetings are offered to provide personalized and relevant legal information to each family situation on various types of rights (immigration, housing, family, criminal, employment, etc.). The legal dimension of the situations is analyzed in conjunction with the psychosocial aspect. Families also have access to personalized assistance with their legal and administrative procedures. La Maison Bleue works to ensure that the rights of families are respected in dealings with various authorities: Child Protection Services, immigration, employment, daycare centers, schools, etc.
Getting in touch
La Maison Bleue’s lawyers do not represent families but help them find a lawyer by prioritizing the use of legal aid. A network of private partner lawyers who are sensitive to the realities of families is also mobilized and maintained, enabling a referral adapted to each situation.
The Maison Bleue also facilitates communication between families and their lawyers throughout the process.
Legal Awareness
Families have access to clear and simplified legal information resources.
Group workshops are regularly held to raise awareness among families about various types of rights that may affect them (immigration, housing, family, criminal, administrative, etc.). These workshops are led by lawyers in collaboration with the social worker, midwifes, special education/psychoeducator, or nurse.

Family health meetings
Parents have the opportunity to meet and share their realities and concerns on various topics. Our popular education approach values the knowledge of families.
Prenatal classes
Parents have the opportunity to meet and share their realities and concerns on various topics. Our popular education approach values the knowledge of families.
The art of parenting
This activity aims at preventing situations of abuse and improving the safety of children in families at risk or already living in situations of neglect and mistreatment. Attention is paid to parents’ experiences, to recognize the educational patterns conveyed and thus promote a positive attachment relationship with their children.
Infant massage group
These workshops allow parents to discover the benefits of massage and the many facets of well-being of toddlers (body language, baby colic, crying, sleep, stress) encouraging the creation of a secure attachment relationship.
Doulas Support
In collaboration with other organizations, La Maison Bleue offers additional support during pregnancy and childbirth to pregnant women with limited social network.
Additional treatments
Through voluntary involvement of professionals (acupuncture, osteopathy, massage), we can offer free complementary therapies to improve the health and well-being of our families.
Special project
Varying in accordance with the needs, artistic, sporting and cultural activities are offered to our families to promote their well-being in another context.
Celebrations and special outings
Many times per year, our teams organize parties to celebrate various events with the families. Through various partnerships, La Maison Bleue organizes outings for families such as shows, museums, sports events, etc.